Who Will Speak for America?
Temple University Press, 2018
In this lively collection edited by Stephanie Feldman and Nathaniel Popkin, 40 novelists, essayists, poets, and artists confront the political division heightened by the Trump presidency and imagine a just future for the USA.
Literature and Drama/General Interest/Political Science and Public Policy

Ornitorrincos por favor
Escritour, 2015
Product of the Creative Writing Workshop of Carlos José Pérez Sámano, this book is an anthology of exercises of selected students: Letters from prison asking for a platypus.
Literature/Flash Fiction/Platypus
(Spanish Edition)

Ella decía ser mi esposa
Errr books, 2014
A collection of raw and brutal poems on alcoholism, identity, human relationships and nature.
(Spanish Edition)

Cuentos desde Aquí
Editorial Ad Zurdum, 2013
A kaleidoscopic fractal collection that makes you question identity within reality and fiction.
Literature/Short Fiction/Absurdity/Identity/Movement
(Spanish Edition)

África Sueño de Sombras Largas
Editorial Ad Zurdum, 2012
Halo Publishing International, 2013
A travel journal of a young Mexican who sells his belongings in order to build a school in a small village in Tanzania, while facing constant conflict against abusive religious leaders, malaria and hunger. The white-savior failure.
Non Fiction/Memoir/Travel Journal/Africa
(Spanish Edition)

Corazón Fresco
Editorial Sinaí, 2007
Debut Poetry Chapbook. A formidable and clear use of language to reveal the deepest corners of a lacerated soul.
(Spanish Edition)